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For now this section is about Denmark - and mainly the area around Copenhagen.
Martin Joergensen

This section  will help you find some fishing related activities in Copenhagen - and even some fishing. Coming to a new city, it might not be obvious whether fishing is possible or not, but Copenhagen does actually offer some opportunities - if nothing else, then at least to see fishing water and maybe meet other anglers.
The section is primarily aimed at fly-fishers who want to bring a rod on a vacation or business trip to Copenhagen, but most of the spots will work equally well for spin fishers and the section also has tips for people who want to go sea fishing from a boat. The section deals with saltwater mainly, but there's also a number of fresh water options mentioned.

Copenhagen is the capitol of Denmark and is located almost as far to the east as you can go on the island Sjaelland, which again is one of the easternmost parts of the country. The city has a population of about two million people if you count the whole metro area. Usually you wouldn't connect such a city with fishing, but since Copenhagen is right on the water and the water quality in the surrounding ocean and even in the harbor is very good, there are many spots that hold fish.

There is some fresh water fishing, but unfortunately the opportunities are few, and stream fishing is basically impossible for the visitor since the streams are very few, and licenses aren't available on a daily basis. But since the fishing in the few streams on Sjaelland is pretty poor compared to streams elsewhere in Denmark and in the world, the loss might not be as big anyway. There's lake fishing, and the options are covered in the section.

Cut through by water
The Copenhagen Playhouse
Copenhagen center is full of water
Martin Joergensen


Sea trout
Sea trout is the saltwater species number one in Demark, and by far the most popular fish to fish for in the ocean. The fish are present all year and can be fished as long as the water is open.
The fish are quite common, but can still be hard to find, and locating fish is the hard part of sea trout fishing, because once they are found, they are often fairly easy to catch.
You can even bump into the odd salmon while fishing the ocean, from the beach but more likely if you are fishing from a boat over deeper water.

Autumn fish
Oresund sea trout
Typical sea trout
Sea trout
Martin Joergensen
Martin Joergensen

The garfish are present in huge numbers two times a year: spring and autumn.
The big run is in May where the fish are on their way to spawning. This is one of the most popular fishing opportunities in Denmark, and almost everybody who likes to wave a rod goes fishing for them. They are easy to catch and well suited for beginners and children.
The autumn run of garfish is starts late August and early September and lasts for a couple of weeks or three. These fish are typically larger than the spring fish, but run further out to sea and can be hard to catch.

Cod is rare in the harbor and not common on the beach either (commercially overfished in the Baltic). The best cod fishing can be found in Oresund outside Copenhagen, but requires a boat. Lots of charter boats sail out from different parts of Copenhagen, Elsinore and other cities.

Mullet are a late season visitor that can come in large numbers in July, August, September and even October. They can sometimes be found in the harbor, but are a rare guest. Many marinas on the other hand, will have a good population during the late summer and early autumn. Mullet can be difficult to find and are notoriously difficult to catch.

Perch can be found in the harbor, but is mostly fished on bait, and shrimps are very popular among those who have success with the perch.

Saltwarer pike is a rare visitor in the Copenhagen area, but once you move south they become more and more common. For targeted fishing for saltwater pike you need to go at least an hour south of Copenhagen and find places with less salty water.

Flatfish is an option most places if you fish with bait and weight. In the harbor you cannot keep and eat the fish due to remaining bottom pollution from the 50's and 60's. The water is very clean, but the bottom is not.

Rainbow trout
Rainbows don't appear as wild fish in the Danish ocean, but since a lot of sea farms raise rainbow trout, some escape now and then, and can be found on the Danish coasts. The fish are typically large (4-8 lbs. and larger), and often appear in large, concentrated schools. Sometimes they are easy to catch and sometimes very difficult, but always a lot of fun although most of the fish aren't exactly beautiful, but bear the typical traits of the farmed fish: fat and tailless.

Ide and roach
In many places south of Copenhagen you can find freshwater species such as ide and roach in the brackish water. These fish are often found in large schools and can be a lot of fun to target in the clear ocean water.

Roach in sight
Henning Eskol - Lars Perssson


Freshwater pike is one of the most popular species to target in lakes. They are quite common and can grow to some hefty sizes, which in combination with their aggression and hunger makes them a popular quarry. Pike are protected during April, but can be fished the rest of the year. May and early autumn is usually considered the best pike months.

Perch is present in almost any lake, and even though not all lakes hold large fish, the perch is an aggressive predator that will take a spinner or a colorful and deeply fished fly. The perch can be fished as long as the water is open.

Pike perch (zander)
Pike perch isn't common, but can be found in some larger lakes. They are often fished from boat at dusk and night using bait or rubber jigs, but can also be taken on the fly.

Bream isn't the most popular fish, but can actually be a lot of fun to fish for using heavy nymphs or bait. The fish can be sight fished a few places and grow to some very decent sizes making up for their less than thrilling will to fight.

Roach is also omnipresent and can be found in almost all lakes and streams. They are so common that they seem to have lost many anglers' interest, but can be a lot of fun to fish on small nymphs and will even rise to dry flies, and are not at all easy to catch. They can grow to decent sizes like a pound or two.

Many of the streams hold good populations of ide, which aren't great fighters, but can offer some good fun and action when present. Ide can easily weigh 2-4 lbs.

Tench is an elusive, fairly rare and difficult fish, mostly caught on bait, but also willing to take a deeply fished fly.

Carp are becoming rarer, mostly because some anglers actually keep them to eat. The large, decade-old carp of the heyday are very uncommon, but some lakes still hold decent carp. The carp in the specimen anglers' most prized catch, but carp will also take a fly and can offer some very exiting fishing, which requires stealth and careful casting, but pays off in wild fights and potentially big fish.

There's one place in southern Sjaelland in the stream Suseaa where whitefish can be caught during the winter. It's not a common fish, but possible to find.

Seat trout and salmon
Sea trout in the freshwater can be found in a few streams on Sjaelland, while salmon are very rare if at all present. You will have to go to Fyn or Jutland to experience the fishing for these often large migrating fish.

The fishing season in Copenhagen generally follows the season in the rest of the country.

Martin Joergensen

Cold, often with ice on the sea. Fishing is possible, but is usually really slow.

As January, but if the ice breaks fishing can pick up on warm days.

Fishing starts. Warm and sunny days are best. The sea trout will start biting for real, but fishing can still be slow.

By many considered the best month for sea trout and with the garfish starting to run in the last week.

A great month with sea trout willing to bite and plenty of garfish.
Pike season is opening in the lakes after the pike have spawned and can be really god.

Fishing is slowing down during the daytime, but early mornings and late nights can do well.
Pike fishing can still be found, but as the lake water is warming up, the pike are to be found in the deeper parts, and will often require a boat to reach.

Water gets warmer and fishing is best in the dark. Coastal night time fishing over reefs and on points with plenty current is usually the best. the first mullets typically show.
Lake fishing is usually very slow, but both pike, carp and perch can be active evening and morning.

August fishing
A nice August day
Martin Joergensen

Night fishing is the best bet, but early and lte fishing starts if the water cools down in the last part of the month.
Mullets are increasing in numbers, but are notoriously difficult to find and to hook.

Garfish will be running back into the Atlantic. Fishing for them can be good in the beginning of the month in the harbor, but not as good on the open coasts - the fish run far from shore.
Sea trout fishing from the beach is picking up. Early morning and sunset is the best bet, but daytime is getting better as the month progresses.
Lake fishing is picking up again after the warm summer.

Daytime fishing for sea trout on good days can be spectacular. The fish are all in prime condition.
Mullet can still be around, but are slowly disappearing south.

Colder days are slow, but warm and calm days can still work. The sea trout can still be willing to take, but fishing is slowing down. Cod can be targeted, but mainly from boats over deeper water, and rarely using flies.
Many pike anglers consider November the best month for lake pike.

Season is closing down and so is fishing, which can be really slow, but with a good day now and then.
The ocean charter boat cod season is peaking, and good trips for cod and herring can be had out of Copenhagen, Elsinore and several other Oresund towns.

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The Global FlyFisher was updated to a new publishing system early March 2025, and there may still be a few glitches while the last bits get fixed. If you meet anything that doesn't work, please let me know.
Martin -