I am searching for tidal information for the Funen area (Tore Hused, Gamborg fjord) in Denmark.
I want to plan my seatrout flyfishing holiday but I need the tidal information to figure out when it is high water and low water.
I had a site where that information was on, but my computer crashed and now I can not find any tidal information for the period april 2008.
Does anybody have an idea?
Dannish Tidal Question
The forums are very quiet
The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.
Hi Igmar,
Hi Igmar,
You can find info on the tide in the Torø/Assens area here(about the same for Gamborg),