I am planning to travel to Magnolia, MA beginning of August. My old fishing friend there is getting a little old and I would like to fish with him before we can't anymore.
Part of the trip will be fresh water in Maine where Donni has a cottage and I think I own all the flies required there, part will be saltwater in the Cape Anne area. I lived and worked ther for two years and have still a lot of the usual striper fly suspects and tied a few new ones.
I am looking to tie a few shrimps. I think the Honey Shrimp as featured in the tying section on a 2# hook is a fine design. Any opposite opinions alternative patterns? Which colour?
Thanks for any help
US Northeast shrimp question
The forums are very quiet
The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.
Hi Florian,
Hi Florian,
Tied these a while back for a friend of mine going to Florida for tarpon, but I think they`d work for stripers as well. Pattern is the same as you can find here on GFF.
Pattegrisen/"The Pink Pig" tied on 4/0 Owner Aki`s,
Hi Peter,
Hi Peter,
thanks for the hint. I had to improvise a little because I didn`t have the spey hackles required. I exchanged them for hen hackles. I will give the pattern a shot,